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Anagram International Inc.

3D Models

Software: Maya, Mudbox, Photoshop


Served as a visual guide along with animations on current and trending balloon shapes, to photo-realistic levels.

Balloon Designs

Software: AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop

Designed original and licensed shapes within brand style guides. The Iridescent Unicorn SS and the Stacking Sugarskulls SS were recognized as being my top selling balloon shapes of 2018.

progressive party europe

Progressive Party Europe


My Lion King SS balloon design was

featured in an international party magazine during the May/June

2019 issue.


Mario Pikachu

12x 12 Painting

My part of a large gallery collection at Amscan Inc. NY within the entrance gallery. 



Software: Illustrator, Photoshop


Illustrated exercise intrusion sheets featuring dogs and horses to be given to clients as guides to use between visits.

Squirrely Knots


Software: Illustrator, Photoshop


Developed a website to showcase items currently available, created social media accounts to keep customers informed of current events and network with other curators. Added an event list of upcoming and future trunk show locations. Take photos and create original content as new items come in. Coordinate booth layouts and bring items showing event theme. SquirrelyKnots Website

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